Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Herbal remedy for diabetes, Aamla

Nature have various kind of secretes in his heart. Amla is one of them, enriched with many medical benefits such as diabetes defensive properties. As per recent researches says Indian Gooseberry ,"Amla" is one of the best Harbal remedy for diabetes.

Amla as immunity booster 

Traditionally we know amla for as skin and hair related  remedy but amla also have immunity booster properties which helps to fight against blood sugar. Anyone who can suffers with diabetes who must be change his daily lifestyle and diet habits. Amla can be a best add-on of your dining table and may your children don't like it by the test but its equally help full for them.

 Herbal remedy for diabetes Aamla 

Amla as diabetes medicine

Sources says Amla can prevent spike after meal and help to make balanced sugar level.

  1. Amla's Enriched with powerful antioxidant vitamin C. As per the study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, there is a significant association between vitamin C levels and diabetes.
  2. University of Maryland Medical Center says, amla is an effective traditional remedy to prevent pancreatitis. Insulin, which is produced in pancreas, is important to keep blood sugar levels in check. However, when pancreas tends to become inflamed, it causes pancreatitis that may injure insulin-secreting cells and result in a spike in high blood sugar levels. Therefore, amla is known to control pancreatitis and eventually manage blood sugar levels effectively.
  3. A new research suggests that oxidative stress in the body is the underlying cause of conditions like diabetes and related diseases. The antioxidants in amla reverse the damaging effects of oxidation, further helping you deal with diabetes.
  4. Amla comprises a mineral named chromium, that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and is said to make the body more responsive to insulin, further keeping the blood sugar levels in check.

 How to use amla to maintain diabetes

  1. Amla have bitter but sweet test, take fresh piece of amla and eat it. you can take water sip along with. 
  2. Can take in form of Juice too
  3. Try with spices like Turmeric, mustard etc. if your doctor suggests
  4. Make Amla Jam to take in breakfast
So Dear Reader there are many way to cure the diabetes but seriously I glad after knowing the new research about amla benefits. hope you will be take the advantage of nature's gift too.
Last thing, people also like to eat amla as "Chatni" form cooking simply in water and laying with paste of turmeric, mustard and salt.

Islahi wellness Remedy for diabetes 

ISlahi is the trusted brand in unani pharma. Where we treats and gain trust since 89 years. 


Highly recommended for diabetes.
  1. Helps to maintain normal blood sugar level.
  2. Naturally regulates metabolism
  3. Diabetes patient check through our website at Islahiwellness.com and order from there.
unani diabetes medicine, Islahi Moth

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